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AAPI Racial Justice: Stop AAPI Hate

A Virtual Conversation with Dr. Russell Jeung, Professor of Asian American Studies, San Francisco State University

    • Wednesday, March 30, 2022
      Noon – 1:30 pm Register
  • Online event
  • Learn about the history and current wave of racism against Asian American Pacific Islanders, and community response to stop AAPI Hate.
  • Work with us to develop action and strategies to protect AAPI students and employees and stop anti-Asian racism on campus and in the community.

Register by March 14 to receive a confirmation email with information about joining the meeting. The first 100 registrants will receive a complimentary T-shirt STOP AAPI HATE. Qualified registrants will be directed to a pick-up place.

The event is organized by Asian American Studies, Department of Ethnic and Religious Studies, College of Liberal Arts. Co-sponsored by Student Life and Leadership Development, U.S. Department of Education AANAPISI (Asian American and Native American Pacific Islanders-Serving Institution) Grant, MAIR (Multicultural, American Indian Retention Services), ARC (Anti-Racism Coalition), FOCC (Faculty of Color Caucus, Metro State University), FOCMP (Faculty of Color Mentorship Program), Equity and Diversity Committee of the Faculty Association, ICES (Institute for Community Engagement and Scholarship), Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, and Office of the Dean of College of Liberal Arts.

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