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Paving the Way to Justice 40!

Minnesota's diverse voices forging equitable participation the future of clean energy

    • Monday, June 5, 2023
      8 am – 1 pm
  • New Main
    Great Hall
    403 Maria Avenue, Saint Paul

Join our community partners for a groundbreaking conversation on expanding the inclusivity of the green energy sector. The day includes:

  • A panel discussion of federal resources and opportunities with Peter Wyckoff and panelists
  • A review of legislative session outcomes with Minnesota legislators including.Senator Tou Xiong, Representative Athena Hollins, and Representative Fue Lee
  • A review of grassroots and local organizations and what they are doing to combat climate change and include diverse voices in the clean energy economy
  • A lunch and recognition of leaders who are paving the way to equity in energy. Lunch provided by the McKnight Foundation, and lunch speaker Fresh Energy Executive Director Dr. Brenda Casselius.

Register today for this free event!