Spring Retirement Program and Reception
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
3 pm – 5 pm
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
New Main Great Hall for refreshments
387 Maria Avenue, Saint Paul

The 2023 Spring Retirement Reception is scheduled for Tuesday, April 25. A program is scheduled to take place in the Auditorium from 3 to 4 p.m., followed by a reception with light refreshments from 4 to 5 p.m. in New Main Great Hall. The event will be held in the Auditorium and Great Hall. Please RSVP today if you plan to attend. Your RSVP will assist with space and refreshment planning.
The program includes remarks from President Ginny Arthur, Provost Amy Gort, and FA President Cindy Harley, as well as a number of our retirees.
More information on our Spring 2023 Emeriti and the other retirees honored at this event is available on the web.
Individuals being celebrated include:
Jodi Bantley, Staff Emerita
Barbara Beltrand, Professor Emerita
Thomas Boylan, Staff Emeritus
Steven Creason, Professor Emeritus
Pauline Danforth, Academic Advisor Emerita
Dotty Farley, Staff Emerita
Russell Fraenkel, Staff Emeritus
Stanley Hatcher, Academic Advisor Emeritus
Shelly Heller
Katherine Johnson, Professor Emeritus
Carol Lacey, Professor Emerita 2022
Julie Maxson
Patricia McCann
John Schneider, Professor Emeritus
Francis Schweigert, Professor Emeritus
Gayle Yamry, Staff Emerita
Unable to attend:
Rebecca Atchison, Staff Emerita
Cynthia DeVore, Staff Emerita
Kamal Elbasher, Staff Emeritus
Kathryn Gilbert
Laura Jensen, Staff Emerita
Elizabeth Keeler, Staff Emerita
Renee King
Nantawan Lewis, Professor Emerita
Bryan Litsey
Deborah Matthias-Anderson, Professor Emerita
Michal Moskow, Professor Emerita 2022
Cynthia Urista
Carolyn Whitson, Professor Emerita