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Academic Testing Center information for faculty

All exam submissions are done online using the RegisterBlast system. Your examination materials are secure and not viewable by other faculty or students. The order for submitting exams and scheduling appointments is important. See our flowchart for a step-by-step walkthrough of what to do. See our Instructions for Submitting for a step-by-step guide on submitting exam materials. See our Faculty FAQ for answers to common questions.

VIP Information to Read

Instructors bear responsibility for administering their own examinations (for classroom, online, and/or hybrid courses). The Testing Center is not equipped to proctor examinations for an entire class of students. The Center proctors examinations for individual students on a make-up basis only.

  • Always enter "Allotted Minutes for Exam" (in minutes) when completing the online submission form. If left blank, it will default to 60 minutes. Appointments are automatically scheduled for the Allotted Minutes for Exam. We can accommodate exams up to 210 minutes long.
  • Please inform your students after exam submission that they can now schedule an appointment. Students benefit from knowing the deadline and allotted minutes for exam.
  • If a student is having trouble scheduling or contacting us, refer them to our email:
  • Forgot your password? Visit the faculty log-in page and click "Reset your password". Then follow the instructions.

See our current proctoring schedule for this semester's hours of operations at both locations (Academic Testing Center link below). Please ensure your exam window includes day we are open for proctoring.

Non-Metro State Faculty

Exams for courses outside the Minnesota State system incur a $35 charge, payable only by check or money order at the time of the appointment. Please send us the exam materials/information and any required off-site proctor forms by email at Then notify your student(s) to contact us by email to schedule an appointment.