HSA 362T Human Services Administration Theory Seminar
This seminar is open to students with experience in supervisory and administrative positions in human services organizations. Students review political and economic principles, and their relationship to human services administration at the national, inter- and intra- organizational levels. Students collect and analyze information, summarize existing literature, and develop oral and written reports on selected topics such as decision making, centers of power, economic constraints and coalition building. Prerequisite: Obtain and complete diagnostic test/or essay from the Teaching Center. Overlap: HSA 360 and HSA 361 Health Care Management and Supervision I and II or HSA 362 Human Services Administration.
Overlap: HSA 360 and HSA 361 Health Care Management and Supervision I and II or HSA 362 Human Services Administration.
Special information
4 Undergraduate credits
Effective August 1, 1999 to present
Learning outcomes
- The student will be able to identify basic concepts of administration and management as they relate to Human Service Agencies or Human Service programs.
- The student will be able to implement basic concepts of administration and management as they relate to Human Service Agencies or Human Service programs.
- The student will acquire an understanding of organizational theory, characteristics and types.
- The student will understand various management roles, tasks, and styles.
- The student will acquire basic skills in strategic planning and long range planning.
- The student will understand the essential leadership aspects of management as they relate to Human Service Administration and governance.