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Employee Concerns and Complaints

It is preferred to use informal means to address issues with the individual(s) and/or departments involved in the issue whenever possible. When that is not reasonable or does not result in an acceptable outcome, the formal means to report concerns and complaints are listed below. The forms below are not intended for use in emergency. Please call 911 for situations that pose an immediate risk to health, life, property or environment.

Discrimination or harassment

Harassment or unfair treatment related to being a member of a protected class

How to report

Discrimination/Harassment Complaint Form (.PDF)

Anonymous reporting (LINK)
Note: Complaints can be made anonymously with the understanding that investigation is limited without adequate information.

For more information

Nondiscrimination in employment and education

Related Policy

Metropolitan State University Policy 1010

Primary University Contact

Josefina Landrieu, PhD
Vice President for Equity and Inclusion, Title IX Coordinator, 651.793.1272
Saint Paul Campus, Founders Hall Room 318

Accommodation-related discrimination

Complaint of approved accommodation(s) not being implemented

How to report

Discrimination/Harassment Complaint Form (.PDF)

For more information

Nondiscrimination in employment and education

Related Policy

Metropolitan State University Policy 1010

Primary University Contact

Josefina Landrieu, PhD
Vice President for Equity and Inclusion, Title IX Coordinator, 651.793.1272
Saint Paul Campus, Founders Hall Room 318

Sexual misconduct, harassment or violence

Acts of sexual misconduct, harassment or violence involving students, employees or other University visitors

How to report

Report Form for Sexual Misconduct, Dating/Relationship Violence, Stalking (eForm)

For more information

Title IX

Related Policy

Minnesota State Board Policy 1.B.3

Primary University Contact

Dean of Students, Student Affairs

Student conduct and behavior


How to report

For more information

Related Policy

Primary University Contact

Student Code of Conduct violation

Code of Conduct Incident Reporting Form (eform)

Student Code of Conduct

University Policy 1020 – Student Conduct Code

Associate Provost for Student Success and Judicial Affairs

Student mental health or behavioral concerns

For immediate emergency, dial 911 or campus security.

Concerning Behavior Referral Form (eform)

After hours: Metro State CARES support line 651-793-1568

Counseling Services is available for students seeking help for themselves.

Behavioral Intervention Team

Academic Integrity (cheating, plagiarism, and other academic dishonesty)

Academic Integrity Report (eform)

Academic Integrity policies and procedures

Academic Integrity Policy 2190

Academic Integrity Procedures 219

Associate Provost for Student Success

Employee contract questions or concerns

Questions or concerns regarding bargaining unit contract (IFO, MSUAASF, MAPE, AFSCME, MMA, etc.)

How to report

Bargaining unit leadership

For more information

MMB Labor Contracts and Salary Plans

EthicsPoint - anonymous reporting

University operations policies or standards

Concerns related to employee violations of University policies or standards, safety, financial practices, employee behavior/conduct, or technology use

How to report

If comfortable, speak directly with your supervisor or management about the issue.

In situations where you feel you need to submit more formally and/or anonymously, use EthicsPoint

You may provide your name with your report, if you wish.

For more information

EthicsPoint FAQs

Related Policy

Employee Code of Conduct

Fraudulent or other Dishonest Acts policy