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Apply by October 1 for spring term.

HSA 366 Technology Application in Human Services

This course examines the role of technology within the context of nonprofit human service organizations. Topics include the use of technology tools in meeting mission driven objectives as they relate to service to consumers as well as program and administrative management. Students will identify major and emerging issues and trends; explore best practices when identifying applications; develop technology communication skills; and examine the human impact of technology tool use on administration, direct service providers and consumers.
4 Undergraduate credits

Effective December 15, 2012 to present

Meets graduation requirements for

Learning outcomes


  • To gain a basic understanding of major software functions as they relate to organizational effectiveness and to think creatively about technology solutions.
  • To gain a basic understanding of the effects of technology on human services administrators, direct care/service workers and clients.
  • To gain a basic understanding of the process of assessing needs, implementing applications and evaluating results.