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IDST 680 Research Methodologies and Research Ethics

This course explores a variety of interdisciplinary research methodologies and deals with ethical issues and the responsible conduct of research across various disciplines. It is also designed to help individualized studies students to develop a proposal for their capstone research or project. Through targeted assignments students will get feedback from faculty and peers, allowing them to use the knowledge gained from the course for the completion of their proposal. Building on students' prior knowledge of the various types of research methodologies, this course will deepen their understanding of theoretical frameworks, critical interpretation, argument construction, and various data collection and analysis methods. The course also identifies theories and ethical principles that guide researchers and applies those principles to students' professional and academic background and interests. We will discuss ethical and moral issues within scholarly work, and will explore ethically problematic areas. TEACHING APPROACHES Why does research matter and how can you use responsible research methodologies in your master's capstone? This course uses active learning to explore research methodologies and methods, data analysis, and research ethics. Students will participate in collaborative online and face-to-face activities, readings, discussions, group assignments, and presentations.


4 Graduate credits

Effective May 7, 2019 to present

Learning outcomes


  • Identify, assess, and evaluate various aspects of research methodologies, methods, and data analysis
  • Critically evaluate various aspects of qualitative and quantitative scholarly works
  • Describe and assess ethical aspects of research
  • Apply in-depth analytical and critical thinking skills to development of an original capstone research or project proposal