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Policy 1050: University Email

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University Policy #1050

Section 1. Purpose

This policy is established to define the business use of email and the official email system at Metropolitan State University.

Section 2. Authority

This policy is issued pursuant to authority granted to the President by the Minnesota State

Colleges and Universities System Board of Trustees.

Section 3. Effective Date

This policy shall become effective upon signature by the President and shall remain in

effect until modified or expressly revoked.

Section 4. Responsibility

Responsibility for implementation of this policy is assigned to the Associate Vice

President of Information Technology/CIO and the Vice President for Administration and


Section 5. Policy

Metropolitan State University has designated one email system as an official method of

communication with students and employees for all university-related business. Upon

admission or employment, the university will assign an email account to each individual.

The university holds students and employees responsible for reading University emails sent to them via their university email accounts.

  1. Assignment and Activation of Email Account

Official Metropolitan State University email accounts are assigned to all employees

and admitted students. Students and employees must initially activate their accounts via the university website.

  1. Subsequent Use of Email Account

Students and employees are required to use their university-provided email address for university-related business conducted by email. Students and employees who use a different email address for university-related business may be informed that the university cannot respond until the request is made via the university-provided email address.

  1. Terms of Email Accounts
  1. The University will cancel inactive email accounts. Student email accounts with no academic activity for twelve months will be sent email notifications one month before cancellation. Students who wish to continue using their email accounts beyond one year without further course registration may do so, on an “opt-in” basis. The email notification will refer students to a website on which they can request another year’s access. Inactive students may extend their email accounts for up to three years, after which time the accounts will be cancelled. Students will receive notification one month prior to cancellation.
  2. New graduates of the University may continue using their email accounts on an “opt-in” basis. New graduates who contact the University to request continued access will be referred to the website where they can “opt-in.” Graduates whose accounts are inactive for one year will be sent an email notifying them that their account will be cancelled unless they “opt-in” for another year. Graduates may continue their account access indefinitely.
  3. Email accounts for employees are deleted upon separation from employment, with certain exceptions:
      1. Resident faculty who hold emeritus status may elect to retain their email accounts.
      2. Email accounts for community faculty are deleted upon authorization by the dean of their respective college or two years after their last class assignment, whichever occurs first.
      3. Supervisors may request that accounts for separated staff remain active for a brief specified period of time, to allow time to communicate the staffing change to necessary parties who may be communicating through that account.
  1. Compliance with Related Policies

All messages must adhere to all pertinent policies, including but not limited to Metropolitan State University Acceptable Use of Information Technology Policy, available on the web site; MnSCU’s Code of Conduct and Ethics; Minnesota Statutes 43A.38, Subd. 4 and 43.A39, Subd.2; and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of (FERPA) 1974, as amended.

  1. Required Uses of Email System

For email, employees must use the official university email system when sending emails of a sensitive and confidential nature.

  1. Unsolicited Email

The university will attempt to minimize the amount of spam email users receive.

The university is not responsible for the content of messages received via spam or other unsolicited communications.

Section 6. Privacy

The University does not routinely monitor student or employee use of email, and makes every effort to protect student and employee privacy. All users should be aware, however, that email messages are written records that could be subject to review with just cause and may be subject to Freedom of Information Act requests. Additionally, email should not be considered a secure medium for transmitting data.

Section 7. Review

This policy will be reviewed as needed, due to changes in technology or, at a minimum, every two years.

Section 8. Signatures

Issued on this 6th day of June, 2008.

William J. Lowe, Ph.D.

Interim President