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Procedure 214B: Metropolitan State Faculty/Staff Designed Study Abroad Programs

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University Procedure #214B

Section 1. Purpose

This procedure is designed for Metropolitan State Faculty/Staff Study Abroad Programs, consistent with the study abroad mission statement, i.e. “Metropolitan State University believes that studying abroad is a life-changing educational journey which provides students the opportunity to experience culturally diverse environments throughout the world. The University encourages students to participate in international study and engagement to enhance their global understanding.”

Section 2. Authority

This procedure is issued pursuant to the Rules and Regulations of the Minnesota State College and University System and Metropolitan State University.

Section 3. Effective Date

This university procedure shall become effective upon signature by the President and shall remain in effect until modified or expressly revoked.

Section 4. Responsibility

The responsibility for the administrative oversight of this university procedure is assigned to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Section 5. Implementation of Study Abroad Program Procedures

  1. Course
    1. Courses associated with a study abroad program must be approved through the formal curriculum process. This approval must be sought six months to one year in advance of trip departure.
    2. All study abroad programs must include Metropolitan State credit or non-credit courses.
    3. All courses that include a study abroad component must include an “A” after the course number for tracking purposes. The faculty leader and academic dean are responsible for communicating this to the Registrar’s Office.
  2. Eligibility
    1. All students participating in a study abroad program must be fully admitted degree-seeking students and in good academic standing at Metropolitan State University.
    2. Students must be current on all financial accounts at Metropolitan State or their respective institutions.
    3. Faculty/Staff leaders must have students complete an application and verify eligibility (Appendix A).
    4. All students must obtain a valid student I.D. card and Passport as well as any necessary visas prior to study abroad departure.
    5. Students must be 18 years of age or older.
  1. Risk Management
    1. The study abroad destination must not be on the U.S. State Department’s list of Current Travel Warnings.
    2. All students must sign the Metropolitan State’s Code of Conduct (See Policy 1020 on
    3. All students must sign the MnSCU Student Release and Waiver form (Appendix B).
    4. Emergency contact information must be collected on the Student Application.
    5. Students must provide evidence of current health coverage for out-of-country medical expenses.
    6. The trip leader must provide evidence of risk insurance through MnSCU.
  1. Responsibility of All Faculty/Staff Leaders
    1. All trip leaders must be Metropolitan State faculty, staff, or administrators.
    2. Trip leaders will have pre-departure sessions which include course content, goals clearly defined in a syllabus and overall travel/program details. Participation in a pre-departure session is mandatory for all participants.
    3. All participants must complete a post-trip evaluation.
    4. Trip leaders must confirm that all participants have registered and paid for the study abroad course. Trip leaders cannot collect payments directly from students under any circumstances. All student payments must be made to Metropolitan State University.
    5. In accordance with State policy, trip leaders cannot receive travel awards or any other personal compensation other than their regular state salaries and normal trip expenses.
    6. Publicizing study abroad programs is the responsibility of trip leaders (Appendix C).
    7. A file copy of all applications, forms and other trip materials will be sent to the Study Abroad Coordinator.
  1. Additional Responsibilities for Trip Leaders Designing their own Study Abroad Programs (No third party involved)
    1. Follow the Trip Guide entitled “University Process for Faculty/Staff Designed Study Abroad Programs Using No Third Party Provider.”
    2. For the safety of all traveling, the ratio of students to faculty/staff/administrators should be no more than 1:1
  1. Additional Responsibilities for Faculty/Staff Leaders Using a Third Party Agency or College/University for their Study Abroad Programs
    1. Trip leaders must use an approved bonded travel company or college/university to coordinate study abroad programs. (Appendix D.)
    2. Leaders are responsible for completing the MnSCU Tour Group Addendum. (Appendix E).
    3. Written contracts with travel companies, other than those listed in Appendix D, must be submitted to Metropolitan State’s Purchasing/Office of Financial Management and be approved by MnSCU if necessary.

Section 6. Review

This procedure will be reviewed as necessary.

Section 7. Signatures

Issued on this 20th day of December 2011.

Gary Seiler, Interim Provost and Vice President Academic Affairs

Sue K. Hammersmith, Ph.D., President