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Policy 3030: Student Complaints and Grievances

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University Policy# 3030

Section 1. General Statement of Policy

Students at Metropolitan State University deserve the opportunity to pursue an education, and it is the responsibility of the university to provide an environment that promotes learning and protects the safety and well-being of the university community. A student has the right to seek a remedy for improper, unfair, or arbitrary action by a university employee, department, or service through an established procedure. Therefore, the university establishes this Student Complaints and Grievances Policy.

Section 2. Assistance with Complaints/Grievances

The University provides information to students seeking resolution of a student complaint or grievance. This assistance is to help clarify the complaint and grievance procedures, provide referral assistance in submitting a complaint or grievance, and provide resolution tips and strategies to all parties involved. Such assistance may be obtained from the Ombudsperson. The Ombudsperson shall provide such assistance in a neutral manner.

Section 3. Procedures

This policy shall be implemented by University Procedure 303.

Section 4. Scope

This policy shall not supersede (substitute for) other complaint and grievance policies specified in MnSCU Board Policies and Procedures, other Metropolitan State University Policies and Procedures, or bargaining unit negotiated agreements. This policy is not a substitute for the Student Code of Conduct, the Non-Discrimination/Harassment Policy (Board Policy 1B.1), or grade appeals procedure.

Section 5. Authority

This University policy is established in accordance with Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) Board policies and as required by Board Policy 3.8 Student Complaints and Grievances.

Section 6. Effective Date

This University policy becomes effective immediately upon the signature of the President and remains in effect until modified or expressly revoked.

Section 7. Responsibility

Responsibility for implementation of this policy is assigned to the Vice President of Student Affairs.

Section 8. Notification and Publication

The University shall inform students of the established complaint and grievance policy and procedure. The policy and procedure shall be provided to students at Orientation and available to students on the University Web site and will include the time line and information on how students may file a complaint or grievance.

Section 9. Retaliation

No retaliation of any kind shall be taken against a student for participating, or refusing to participate in a complaint or grievance. Retaliation may be subject to action under appropriate MnSCU, student or employee policies or procedures.

Section 10. Reporting and Documentation

The University will document grievances in accordance with the rules and regulations of The Higher Learning Commission and as described in University Procedure #303 Student Complaints and Grievances.

Section 11. Review

This policy will be reviewed and modified as appropriate.

Section 12. Signature

Issued on this 14th day of March 2012.

Trenda Boyum-Breen, Vice President Student Affairs

Sue K. Hammersmith, President