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COMM 103 Public Speaking

Students learn public speaking principles and techniques well enough to prepare, deliver, and evaluate informative and persuasive speeches. Videotaping and self-assessment are integral components of this class as is writing. Some speeches require students to research and critically analyze information. The six to eight class presentations include topics pertaining to the corporate world, community life, the political arena or human services. Students are expected to write well and will outline each presentation. Overlap: COMM 103P Public Speaking Proficiency Test.

Special information

Overlap: COMM 103P Public Speaking Proficiency Test.
3 Undergraduate credits

Effective January 1, 1998 to present

Meets graduation requirements for

Learning outcomes


  • Deliver at least five speeches, including informal introduction speeches for another in class.
  • Know the difference between ad lib, extemporaneous, memorized and read presentations, when to use which format, and how to make each format as strong as possible.
  • Learn the basic structures of oral presentations through audience analysis, persuasion, organization, and delivery using ethos, pathos, and logos.
  • Learn the difference between informative and persuasive speeches and other types of presentations including eulogies, demonstrations and speeches of recognition.
  • Present presentations that are short, medium, and long (10 minutes with audience Q&A following for 5 minutes).
  • Understand the elements in delivery including effective and appropriate audio-visual aids.

Minnesota Transfer Curriculum

Goal 1: Communication

  • Understand/demonstrate the writing and speaking processes through invention, organization, drafting, revision, editing and presentation.
  • Participate effectively in groups with emphasis on listening, critical and reflective thinking, and responding.
  • Locate, evaluate, and synthesize in a responsible manner material from diverse sources and points of view.
  • Select appropriate communication choices for specific audiences.
  • Construct logical and coherent arguments.
  • Use authority, point-of-view, and individual voice and style in their writing and speaking.
  • Employ syntax and usage appropriate to academic disciplines and the professional world.