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Apply by October 1 for spring term.

COMM 333A Intermediate Intercultural Communication

Intercultural Communication has a global perspective and engages students in reflectively thinking about the growing interdependence of nations and peoples. Students develop their ability to apply a comparative perspective to cross-cultural communication episodes in interpersonal interactions. Students research topics of interest that compare two or more cultures in some aspect of their social, economic, or political values and practices. Through field experiences, in class exercises, and readings, students learn the dynamics and skills needed to engage in respectful and sensitive communication with others whose beliefs, values, and attitudes are different than their own.
4 Undergraduate credits

Effective August 24, 2013 to present

Meets graduation requirements for

Learning outcomes


  • Demonstrate an ability to do culture specific research and synthesize the information learned from peer reviewed scholarly articles into a literature review.
  • Explain how we can prepare ourselves to communicate more effectively in intercultural communication situations by developing a model of Intercultural Communication.
  • Learn and practice, in class and outside of class, knowledge, skills, and the attitudes/abilities (KSAs) presented in this Intercultural Communication course.
  • Respond in position papers to field experiences, assigned book reading, and other events participated in as part of this class.
  • Use the theories of Intercultural Communication to help guide the communication strategies chosen and used to interact in different situations with different people, groups, and countries.

Minnesota Transfer Curriculum

Goal 8: Global Perspective

  • Describe and analyze political, economic, and cultural elements which influence relations of states and societies in their historical and contemporary dimensions.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of cultural, social, religious and linguistic differences.
  • Analyze specific international problems, illustrating the cultural, economic, and political differences that affect their solution.
  • Understand the role of a world citizen and the responsibility world citizens share for their common global future.