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COMM 361T Managerial Communication Theory Seminar

This seminar is open to students who have experience managing people, interviewing, drafting written materials, and delivering oral and written reports in their roles as managers of profit or nonprofit institutions or volunteer organizations. The seminar focuses on the theoretical perspective of communication as a dynamic process involving both verbal and nonverbal elements. Using their experiences in directing others' behavior toward an institutional goal, participants respond to reading, lectures and student presentations on topics such as conflict, style, ethics and diversity issues. This theory seminar requires a diagnostic evaluation for entrance and is evaluated satisfactory/nonsatisfactory only. No other letter grade is assigned. Overlap: COMM 361 Managerial Communication.

Special information

Overlap: COMM 361 Managerial Communication.
4 Undergraduate credits

Effective August 1, 1999 to present

Learning outcomes


  • To understand, analyze, and significantly improve major managerial communication skills, including presenting, interpersonally communicating and writing.
  • To understand, assess, apply and analyze major managerial communication issues including media choice, diversity, ethics, and organization climate.
  • To understand, assess, apply and analyze major managerial communication theories and approaches.