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CRIM 328 Police Strategies and Management

The course explores contemporary leadership, motivation, teambuilding, change, and working with difficult people, along with the roles and responsibilities of the first line supervisor within a law enforcement agency.

Special information

Note: Formerly known as LAWE 445. Prerequisite: Upper division status or instructor's consent. Note: Must be a School of Criminology and Criminal Justice student, or instructor permission.
4 Undergraduate credits

Effective May 3, 2023 to present

Learning outcomes


  • Analyze supervision and/or leadership strategies regarding working with direct reports.
  • Appraise the communication process of verbal, non-verbal, and voice intonation on conflict resolution within an organization.
  • Critically analyze the team work process in achieving organizational goals.
  • Demonstrate how motivational theory associated with coaching and mentoring applies to employee performance.
  • Demonstrate written communication skills.
  • Understand the major conflict s associated to change within an organization.