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EDU 610 Teaching & Assessing Exceptional Urban Learners-Advanced Theory & Practice

This course reviews advanced theory and practice to support the education of exceptional urban and diverse learners in grades 5-12. The course will address what teachers should know about exceptional learners, including students with disabilities and students with special gifts and talents. The responsibilities of general education teachers in service to students with special needs who are included in the mainstreamed classroom will also be examined, and practice will be provided for developing lesson plans and assessments that meet the needs of students with exceptionalities. Special education law and collaboration with special education staff will be discussed in the context of reviewing current research, issues and best practices for pre- and post-special education service needs of exceptional learners in urban public schools. Clinical field experience hours are part of the course requirements.

Special information

Note: Admission to Urban Teacher Program as a post-baccalaureate student required to register. Clinical field experience hours are part of the course requirements. This course is offered concurrently with EDU 310.
3 Graduate credits

Effective January 9, 2006 to present

Meets graduation requirements for

Learning outcomes


  • Articulate a personal philosophy concerning the success of all students in one's own future classroom.
  • Identify basic characteristics of exceptional learners relative to various exceptionalities.
  • Plan and implement instructional activities collaboratively with a special educator.
  • Plan assessments that inform specific instructional decisions for exceptional and struggling students.
  • Plan research-based instruction with accommodations that results in academic progress for exceptional learners from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
  • Reflect critically on the junctures between policy, research, and school practice with regard to the success of all students with special needs in general education classrooms.
  • Represent differing perspectives on issues and trends related to eligibility, service delivery, accountability, disproportionality, and research-based practice.
  • Summarize key aspects of special education and disability law relevant to general educators.

Fall 2024

Section Title Instructor books eservices
01 Teaching & Assessing Exceptional Urban Learners-Advanced Theory & Practice Peterson, Marvin D Books for EDU-610-01 Fall 2024 Course details for EDU-610-01 Fall 2024