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EDU 633 Strategies for Transforming Education Through Absent Narratives

This graduate-level independent study is offered to participants in the MN Humanities Center's week-long educator institute to increase student engagement through absent narratives. This course will provide participants an opportunity to reflect upon and develop authentic practices with tools that guide and increase instruction in four key learning areas. The four areas of focus will be on (1) building and strengthening relationships, (2) identifying strategies that support the power of student story, (3) creating engagements that help teacher and students learn from and with those representing diverse experiences/voices, and (4) how to connect with diverse communities in ways that amplify solutions that improve educational outcomes for students. The four key areas used to guide outcomes in this course are foundational and based on extensive research focusing on epistemology. Participants will learn to use the four key areas as essential strategies that allow for the assessment of a teacher's practice on the impact on student engagement. Participants will engage in self-reflection to identify personal areas of growth needed to fully engagement in the learning and move it past the research/discussion format to active and increased engagements.
1-2 Graduate credits

Effective May 4, 2016 to present

Learning outcomes


  • Design learning engagements that build and strengthen relationships between students, teachers and peers.
  • Construct an inclusive classroom culture that reaches beyond the school and into the home and community in order bridges the common goals between each.
  • Identity and use the essential foundation of story and recognize the danger of absences constructed as missing narratives.
  • Examine and develop learning opportunities that promote the concept of learning from and with a community of diverse voice.
  • Promote, use and assess curriculum as epistemology that includes and amplifies community engagement and promote social justice, educational equity and student leadership.