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HSER 395 Intersection of Race and Diversity in Human Services

This course emphasizes the experience of race and racism and how both intersect with various forms of human diversity in the helping arena. It will provide students an understanding of how power and privilege are operant in the human services. Students will examine assumptions, myths, beliefs, and biases that block effective relationships between groups of people and that hamper helper-helpee dynamics. Course activities involve self-assessment and opportunities for application of learning in a human service environment. COMPETENCE STATEMENT: Knows conceptual frameworks dealing with racial-ethnic identity, racial-cultural world views, oppression and power well enough to explore, develop, and evaluate personal responses and professional strategies to eliminate the myths, beliefs, biases, actions and efforts, that sustain social oppression in the helping professions.

Special information

Note: Attendance at the first class meeting is mandatory unless approved beforehand by the instructor.
4 Undergraduate credits

Effective May 3, 2016 to present

Meets graduation requirements for

Learning outcomes


  • Identify and explore the negative myths, stereotypes and assumptions in the American culture which foster and sustain racism and social oppression in the helping environment.
  • Identify and define the values in self which may prohibit or obstruct productive relationships with members of diverse populations.
  • Identify and analyze the necessary values, assumptions, orientation, and ethics individuals must possess in working with members of diverse populations.
  • Identify and critique issues and demonstrate the skills necessary for individual, family, group or community services with members of diverse populations.
  • Demonstrate skills necessary to change social structural systems that negatively impact racial and diverse communities
  • Demonstrate communication skills and helping strategies necessary for addressing and confronting racism in the diverse human service environment.

Spring 2024

Section Title Instructor books eservices
50 Intersection of Race and Diversity in Human Services Stephenson, Dyne G Books for HSER-395-50 Spring 2024 Course details for HSER-395-50 Spring 2024

Summer 2024

Section Title Instructor books eservices
50 Intersection of Race and Diversity in Human Services Stephenson, Dyne G Books for HSER-395-50 Summer 2024 Course details for HSER-395-50 Summer 2024

Fall 2024

Section Title Instructor books eservices
01 Intersection of Race and Diversity in Human Services Hill, Darcel M Books for HSER-395-01 Fall 2024 Course details for HSER-395-01 Fall 2024