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INFS 315 Searching for Information

A student completing this course understands the process of finding, synthesizing, evaluating, and documenting sufficient and reliable information appropriate to a variety of purposes including upper division coursework, senior capstone papers or professional writing, and communication tasks. Students also explore a number of the contemporary issues surrounding information in society, have opportunities to use and/or visit primary resource collections and learn a variety of research techniques. Specific sections of the course will structure assignments around a course theme identified in the class schedule. Prior themes have included Civil Rights, Holocaust and Genocide, Crime and Punishment, Food, Immigration, and Health Care. Both themed and non-themed sections are offered every semester as are online and in-class sections.
4 Undergraduate credits

Effective March 1, 2000 to present

Meets graduation requirements for

Learning outcomes


  • Student can locate sources of information using traditional library resources, online databases, special research archives, museums and the web.
  • Student understands a number of historical and contemporary issues surrounding the gathering and presentation of information related to the class theme.
  • Students can evaluate information in terms of its quality and its appropriateness.
  • Students develop advanced level search strategies and find information based on the purpose and the audience of an upper division level research task.
  • Students learn to contribute effectively to a community of learners through a variety of oral presentations including book reviews and research presentations.

Spring 2024

Section Title Instructor books eservices
50 Searching for Information Sonsteby, Alec Books for INFS-315-50 Spring 2024 Course details for INFS-315-50 Spring 2024
51 Searching for Information DeJonghe, Jennifer A Books for INFS-315-51 Spring 2024 Course details for INFS-315-51 Spring 2024

Summer 2024

Section Title Instructor books eservices
50 Searching for Information McCartan, Laura J Books for INFS-315-50 Summer 2024 Course details for INFS-315-50 Summer 2024

Fall 2024

Section Title Instructor books eservices
50 Searching for Information Liang, Ming-Ching Books for INFS-315-50 Fall 2024 Course details for INFS-315-50 Fall 2024
51 Searching for Information Larson, Christine M. Books for INFS-315-51 Fall 2024 Course details for INFS-315-51 Fall 2024