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MAPL 613 Policy Evaluation

MAPL 613 is the last required core course in the Advocacy and Political Leadership (MAPL) track within the Master of Public and Nonprofit Administration Program. This course prepares students to understand and to perform program and policy evaluations. Given a defined problem, students will learn how various policy proposals might be compared and judged. Students will understand how to demonstrate the value or worth of a program or policy. They will understand how to use evaluation methods to improve programs and policy. The course will explore the complexities of evaluation and why it is important.
4 Graduate credits

Effective August 23, 2014 to present

Learning outcomes


  • Understand the purpose and use of policy and program evaluation.
  • Understand the concept of civil society and how it influences public policy.
  • Understand the use of logic models and performance measurement.
  • Understand common evaluation terms.
  • Understand grant writing and the role of foundations.
  • Know how to influence policy through the legislative and budgetary process.

Spring 2024

Section Title Instructor books eservices
01 Policy Evaluation Frey, Dana William Books for MAPL-613-01 Spring 2024 Course details for MAPL-613-01 Spring 2024