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MDST 330 Topics in Film Studies

Subject matter for this course varies, as it is designed to allow in-depth analysis of unique topics relating to films and their audiences. Topics could include a analysis of a specific film genre, periods of historical film development, the productions of a unified group of film authors or films focusing on a subject matter. Students should consult the Class Schedule for particular topics and descriptions. Some of the courses are cross-listed with other departments.

Special information

Note: This course may be taken twice for credit as long as the topic is different.
1-4 Undergraduate credits

Effective May 6, 2021 to present

Meets graduation requirements for

Learning outcomes


  • Demonstrate a critical understanding and an informed personal reaction to selected films/topic in written analysis.
  • Demonstrate through an analytic criteria, an awareness of the scope and variety of chosen topic in film based on themes, directors or other categories.
  • Evaluate selected works as expressions of individual and human values within a historical and social context or evaluate the artistic/creative elements in the film.

Minnesota Transfer Curriculum

Goal 6: The Humanities and Fine Arts

  • Demonstrate awareness of the scope and variety of works in the arts and humanities.
  • Understand those works as expressions of individual and human values within a historical and social context.
  • Respond critically to works in the arts and humanities.
  • Engage in the creative process or interpretive performance.
  • Articulate an informed personal reaction to works in the arts and humanities.