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NURS 325L Health Assessment

This course focuses on the development of introductory holistic assessment skills, therapeutic communication strategies, and the identification of normal health patterns and functions for adults. Knows the skills and techniques of history taking, data collection, and holistic assessment well enough to perform and record a comprehensive health history and client assessment for an adult.

Special information

Prerequisites: Prior to taking this course, you must have successfully completed the following: Admission to the ELMSN program or instructor's permission. Co-requisites: NURS 304: Fundamentals of Nursing, NURS 306: Essential Concepts of Pharmacology I, NURS 410: Applied Pathophysiology, or instructor permission.
1 Undergraduate credit

Effective May 6, 2020 to present

Learning outcomes


  • Identify client indicators of health related to client status, developmental stage, environmental and sociocultural factors, family, and personal identity.
  • Employ clinical reasoning strategies to develop a holistic assessment plan based on health assessment data and integration of holistic nursing theories
  • Demonstrate competence in performing and documenting a comprehensive health history while incorporating Modeling and Role Modeling concepts.
  • Demonstrate competence in performing and documenting select physical examination components.