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WRIT 132 Written and Visual Communication

This course, which can be taken in place of WRIT 131 Writing I, is an introduction to the theory and practice of written and visual communication. Students read, write, view and produce visual and written texts in a variety of media. Emphasis is on developing writing skills and learning basic concepts of visual communication. Prerequisite: Placement in WRIT 131 Writing I on the diagnostic writing assessment offered by Diagnostic Services.

Special information

Prerequisite: Placement in WRIT 131 Writing I on the diagnostic writing assessment offered by Diagnostic Services.
3 Undergraduate credits

Effective August 1, 1998 to present

Meets graduation requirements for

Learning outcomes


  • Create specific and clear thesis statements and select relevant evidence for support.
  • Demonstrate techniques for creating and incorporating visual images in order to communicate complex ideas.
  • Develop unified and coherent paragraphs that contribute to the overall purpose and argument of an essay.
  • Effectively integrate and properly cite quotations, paraphrases, and summaries.
  • Make global and sentence-level revisions that strengthen the focus, organization, and clarity of writing.
  • Use active reading strategies and invention techniques to think critically about writing topics, recognize multiple perspectives, and develop meaningful responses to assignments.
  • Use analysis of visual imagery to advance ideas and arguments.
  • Use principles of arrangement to organize ideas throughout the writing process.
  • Incorporate instructor and peer comments into writing.
  • Explain the impact of visual images within their specific rhetorical context.

Minnesota Transfer Curriculum

Goal 1: Communication

  • Understand/demonstrate the writing and speaking processes through invention, organization, drafting, revision, editing and presentation.
  • Participate effectively in groups with emphasis on listening, critical and reflective thinking, and responding.
  • Locate, evaluate, and synthesize in a responsible manner material from diverse sources and points of view.
  • Select appropriate communication choices for specific audiences.
  • Construct logical and coherent arguments.
  • Use authority, point-of-view, and individual voice and style in their writing and speaking.
  • Employ syntax and usage appropriate to academic disciplines and the professional world.

Fall 2024

Section Title Instructor books eservices
50 Written and Visual Communication Davis, Lance Books for WRIT-132-50 Fall 2024 Course details for WRIT-132-50 Fall 2024