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Human Subjects Review Board

It is the responsibility of Metropolitan State University to ensure that the rights and welfare of human subjects participating in any research affiliated with the university be adequately protected. It is likewise the university's responsibility to ensure that all research participants are fully informed regarding the research, that they participate willingly and that they may discontinue their participation without penalty. Participants must be guaranteed freedom from coercion and undesirable consequences, and assured that any identifying information relating to the conduct or the outcomes of the research is kept confidential.

In order to meet these responsibilities, the Human Subjects Review Board was established within the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs in collaboration with the local Inter Faculty Organization as put forth in University Policy #2060

The established policies and procedures are intended to protect research subjects from harm by meeting professional, university and federal ethical standards (Code of Federal Regulations, Title 45 Part 46) without limiting the pursuit of any systematic course of study.