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Behavioral Intervention Team

The Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) is a campus resource established to act as a multidisciplinary, central network to receive, collect, assess, and when it deems appropriate, act upon information on behavior of concern exhibited by a student or group of students.

Examples of such instances include but are not limited to:

  • Dangerous or threatening behavior to oneself or others
  • Angry, hostile, abusive troubling behavior
  • Other inappropriate or disruptive behavior

Metropolitan State is concerned about the safety, health, and well-being of all students, faculty, and staff.

Addressing concerning student behavior

Students, staff, faculty, and parents are encouraged to contact the BIT if they have strong concerns about the behavior or actions of a Metropolitan State University Student. If you think a student might cause harm to self or others, we welcome you to share your concerns by making a referral. Your referral will be reviewed by members of the BIT.

Concerned about a student or friend? Make a referral.

Not sure what steps to take?

Behavioral intervention team members

Executive Sponsor

  • Roberta Anderson, Associate Provost for Student Success


  • Dean of Students


  • Nathaniel Williams, Security Director
  • Joua Yang, Director of Counseling Services
  • Maya Sullivan, Dean of Students
  • Emily O'Hara, Mental Health Counselor
  • Mercedes Santana, Mental Health Counselor
  • Roberta Anderson, Associate Provost for Student Success (alternate)
  • Nancy Tindall, Campus Operations Director (alternate)

To report behavior potentially violates the Student Code of Conduct Policy, contact Judicial Affairs.

Additional mental health resources and consultation can be accessed through Counseling Services.