On May 31, 2024, Metro State University Professor Dr. Faisal Kaleem was among several Twin Cities and state experts in the national security and automation fields, along with US Rep. Betty McCollum, ranking member of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense, participating in a University of Minnesota roundtable discussion with Dr. Kimberly Sablon, principal director for Trusted AI and Autonomy at the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering. Dr. Sablon leads and coordinates scientific and technological efforts to ensure Department of Defense (DoD) superiority in future cognitive autonomous systems and hierarchical networks related to dynamic AI systems.
Dr. Kaleem discussed Metro State University's many important efforts in the realm of cybersecurity through the MN Cyber Institute. In particular, he highlighted the topic of workforce capacity building, the expansion of which owes much to Metro State's position as a National Security Agency Center of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity. One major MN Cyber initiative is Metro State's Cybersecurity Clinic, which will provide small businesses, nonprofits, K–12 schools, and local government entities free or low-cost cybersecurity services, while providing Metro State's undergraduate and graduate cybersecurity students with an opportunity for real-world, client-focused, hands-on experience, and was made possible by a $1.45 million grant from the National Security Agency.
Kaleem's presence on the roundtable demonstrates the interest other state and federal institutions are taking in Metro State's pioneering work in making cybersecurity practical and accessible, while providing a growing number of well-trained practitioners in the field. Other participants in the roundtable included University of Minnesota representatives, Rep. McCollum, and leaders from Minnesota’s local high-tech industry, including Polar Semiconductor, PAR Systems, Honeywell, and Verterra Energy. More information on the University of Minnesota's event can be found in their Research and Innovation news section.
Photo: Dr. Kimberly Sablon, principal director for Trusted AI and Autonomy at the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, hears about cybersecurity workforce efforts at Metro State from Prof. Faisal Kaleem in a roundtable with people involved with Minnesota’s high tech industry. Also pictured are Josh Dorr with Honeywell, VPR Shashank Priya and Congresswoman Betty McCollum. Courtesy of UMN's Research and Innovation Office.
About Metro State University
Founded in 1971, Metro State University, a member of Minnesota State, is the Twin Cities public, urban, comprehensive state university providing lifelong learning and competitive academic and professional degree programs at the bachelor, master, and doctoral levels. The University currently offers more than 60 undergraduate programs and more than 25 graduate degrees. Metro State ranks 22nd in the nation and first in Minnesota on CollegeNet's Social Mobility Index, which measures colleges' and universities' success in elevating students from low-income strata into the middle class within five years of graduation. To learn more, visit metrostate.edu.