Building CommUNITY: Martin Luther King Jr. observations

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2023 Celebration: Building CommUNITY: Uplift, Heal, and Empower for Radical Inclusion
Metro State University again will host our university-wide celebration honoring the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. The planning team is sharing some information now so our community members may plan accordingly and register in advance. This event is free and open to the public. For more information about the events, email Stay tuned for more information!
The 2023 theme is Building CommUNITY: Uplift, Heal, and Empower for Radical Inclusion. The schedule of events includes:
Thursday, January 19, 2023—Service Project (register to participate)
This year we will pack snack bags and personal hygiene bag items for our food pantry and Student Parent Center and external community locations. Participants can help in two ways:
1. Donate items to include in the bags. We have included a list of requested items. You can bring them to the large box in the Founders Hall lobby (near Gateway Student Services) between Monday, October 31, and Friday, December 2.
Items needed for the resource bags (mini or travel-sized where appropriate /available) include: deodorant, soap, shower gel, shampoo and conditioner, face and body wash, shaving cream, hand sanitizer, lotion, feminine hygiene products, socks, granola bars, nuts, trail mix, fruit snacks, dry fruit, tuna, individual soups, individual mac and cheese, juice boxes, small bottled water, water flavoring.
2. Pack bags with us on Thursday, January 19, 2023, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. We will pack the bags in the New Main Great Hall. Pizza lunch will be provided.
Wednesday, January 25, 2023—Program: Speaker to be announced (register to participate)
Among other things, the program will include student creative expressions selected from student submissions.
4:30–5:45 p.m., reception with heavy refreshments
6–7:30 p.m., program with speaker (hybrid format)
Student creative submissions opportunity
Once again, students may submit a creative expression related to our theme. Selected students will receive a small stipend and will share their expressions at the program on January 25, 2023. Students can submit their creative expressions from now through Friday, December 2. Visit the MLK Day 2023 Celebration page for submission info and form.
Martin Luther King Jr. planning team