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Victor Cole

  • Director of Recruitment, Retention and Induction
  • Senior Community Faculty


  • Master of Science in Education, Reading Teacher
    City University of New York

Recent and upcoming courses

Summer 2024

Fall 2024


Victor B. Cole has worked in higher education in academic and student affairs, supporting success among students from culturally, ethnically, economically, and linguistically diverse populations in major metropolitan areas for 30 years.

Currently, Cole is the director of Recruitment, Retention, and Induction in the School of Urban Education (UED) at Metro State.

Questioning everything has been a part of my life from very early on. Going to Head Start at age three became my first source for getting some answers. I have enjoyed schooling ever since. Learning was my first passion. I have pursued this passion by becoming a teacher by trade, a community organizer by heart, and a learner for life.

One of the most recent projects that keeps me busy is the Minneapolis Public School District (MPS) Teachers Institute of Cultural Development and Focused Instruction, a collaborative professional development program with MPS Equity and Diversity Office and the University of Minnesota, African American & African Studies Department.

At Metro State I worked in the School of Urban Education (formerly known as the Urban Teacher Program) as Field Experience coordinator and Education Licensure officer. I then moved to the Institute for Community Engagement and Scholarship (formerly known as the Center for Community-based Learning) as a Community Engagement coordinator for Academic Internships and Study Abroad partnerships. I am also for 17 years community faculty for the School of Urban Education, and in the Department of Ethnicity, Gender, History, Philosophy Studies in the College of Liberal Arts.