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NURS 285 Applied Pathophysiology for Nursing I

This course introduces a holistic perspective of pathophysiological processes and the disruption in normal body function. Emphasis will be on objective and subjective manifestations of common chronic health problems resulting from environmental, genetic, and stress-related maladaptation to provide a foundation for nursing care. This course complements selected topics addressed in Chronicity and End of Life to provide a comprehensive understanding of disease processes.


Special information

Corequisite: NURS 280 AND NURS 282.
2 Undergraduate credits

Effective May 10, 2014 to present

Learning outcomes


  • Utilize theories and concepts from the sciences to build an understanding of the manifestations of chronic pathophysiological conditions.
  • Incorporate theory and research utilizing data from multiple evidence based sources.
  • Explain the common mechanisms of chronic disease progression in the human body.
  • Determine protective and predictive factors including genetics which influence the health of clients.