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Undergraduate spring application deadline is December 1 for spring term.

POL 331 Law and the Legal Process

This course begins to examine law, both what it is and how it is practiced. The course focuses on the limits of law, the practice of law, and the strengths and weaknesses of the U.S. legal system. Students analyze these issues in the context of current controversial legal disputes.


4 Undergraduate credits

Effective August 1, 1998 to present

Meets graduation requirements for

Learning outcomes


  • To know and understand the historical foundations and theoretical approaches to the contemporary legal process.
  • To develop higher order reading and thinking skills by analyzing and critiquing legal texts an upper division college level.
  • To identify and understand the modern dynamics, influences and functions of the legal system.
  • To write analytically in a style that is informed, well reasoned, literate and consistent with upper division college standards.

Minnesota Transfer Curriculum

Goal 5: History and the Social and Behavioral Sciences

  • Employ the methods and data that historians and social and behavioral scientists use to investigate the human condition.
  • Examine social institutions and processes across a range of historical periods and cultures.
  • Use and critique alternative explanatory systems or theories.
  • Develop and communicate alternative explanations or solutions for contemporary social issues.