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STAT 321 Biostatistics

This course covers fundamental and intermediate topics in biostatistics, and builds on the ideas of hypothesis testing learned in STAT 201 (Statistics I). The focus is on learning new statistical skills and concepts for real-world applications. Students will use SPSS to do the analyses. Topics include designing studies in biostatistics, ANOVA, correlation, linear regression, survival analysis, categorical data analysis, logistic regression, nonparametric statistical methods, and issues in the analysis of clinical trials.


Special information

Note: Students whose prerequisites are not identified by the system should contact the Math and Statistics Department for an override at
4 Undergraduate credits

Effective August 22, 2009 to present

Meets graduation requirements for

Learning outcomes


  • Analyze data from studies using SPSS software.
  • Communicate clearly in writing the results of data analysis.
  • Design appropriate studies to compare treatments.