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Goal 4: Mathematical or Logical Reasoning

Goal 4: Mathematical or Logical Reasoning

To increase students' knowledge about mathematical and logical modes of thinking. This will enable students to appreciate the breadth of applications of mathematics, evaluate arguments, and detect fallacious reasoning. Students will learn to apply mathematics, logic, and/or statistics to help them make decisions in their lives and careers. Minnesota's public higher education systems have agreed that developmental mathematics includes the first three years of a high school mathematics sequence through intermediate algebra.

ID Sort descending Course title Goals Credits
MATH 110 Math for Liberal Arts MATH 110
  • Goal 4: Mathematical or Logical Reasoning
MATH 115 College Algebra MATH 115
  • Goal 4: Mathematical or Logical Reasoning
MATH 120 Precalculus MATH 120
  • Goal 4: Mathematical or Logical Reasoning
MATH 210 Calculus I MATH 210
  • Goal 4: Mathematical or Logical Reasoning
MATH 211 Calculus II MATH 211
  • Goal 4: Mathematical or Logical Reasoning
MATH 215 Discrete Mathematics MATH 215
  • Goal 4: Mathematical or Logical Reasoning
MATH 301 Introduction to Analysis MATH 301
  • Goal 4: Mathematical or Logical Reasoning
  • Upper Division Liberal Studies Goal
MATH 310 Calculus III: Multivariable Calculus MATH 310
  • Goal 4: Mathematical or Logical Reasoning
  • Upper Division Liberal Studies Goal
MATH 315 Linear Algebra and Applications MATH 315
  • Goal 4: Mathematical or Logical Reasoning
  • Upper Division Liberal Studies Goal
MATH 320 Probability MATH 320
  • Goal 4: Mathematical or Logical Reasoning
  • Upper Division Liberal Studies Goal
MATH 340 Mathematical Modeling MATH 340
  • Goal 4: Mathematical or Logical Reasoning
  • Upper Division Liberal Studies Goal
MATH 350 Ordinary Differential Equations MATH 350
  • Goal 4: Mathematical or Logical Reasoning
  • Upper Division Liberal Studies Goal
MATH 370 Modern Geometry MATH 370
  • Goal 4: Mathematical or Logical Reasoning
  • Upper Division Liberal Studies Goal
MATH 375 Complex Variables MATH 375
  • Goal 4: Mathematical or Logical Reasoning
  • Upper Division Liberal Studies Goal
PHIL 204 Introduction to Symbolic Logic PHIL 204
  • Goal 4: Mathematical or Logical Reasoning
STAT 201 Statistics I STAT 201
  • Goal 4: Mathematical or Logical Reasoning
STAT 301 Analysis of Variance and Multivariate Analysis STAT 301
  • Goal 4: Mathematical or Logical Reasoning
  • Upper Division Liberal Studies Goal
STAT 311 Regression Analysis STAT 311
  • Goal 4: Mathematical or Logical Reasoning
  • Upper Division Liberal Studies Goal
STAT 321 Biostatistics STAT 321
  • Goal 4: Mathematical or Logical Reasoning
  • Upper Division Liberal Studies Goal