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 Register today for fall courses

Computer Science Peer Tutor

  • Job starts
    Fall Semester AY25
  • Job ends
  • Work schedule
    Varies; within Monday-Saturday 9:30AM-8:00PM
  • Pay Level C
    $14.50 starting wage

Major job duties

Provide one-to-one or small group tutorials online and in-person with students in Computer Science courses.

  • Paid professional development opportunities:
    • Initial training
    • Subsequent in-service trainings
    • Community learning sessions around tutoring and student services
    • Embedded tutoring possibilities
    • Graduate students may be eligible at pay level E

Qualifications and experience

  • Proficient student with good academic record and learning skills.
  • Aptitude for helping fellow students understand content, develop ability, and gain confidence.
  • Completion of ICS-140 & 141 with a minimum grade of B+, additional CS courses are a plus.
  • Solid interpersonal/small group communication skills.
  • Looking for students who could tutor for at least one academic year.

To apply

Email resume, cover letter and unofficial college transcripts to