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DENH 698 Scholarly Seminar

This course focuses on the integration and application of independent critical thinking and problem solving in oral health care. The student will develop a research topic on a subject relevant to advanced dental therapy practice which will culminate in one of the following: a scholarly research review paper, an original demonstration project or original research project. A public presentation of the research topic will demonstrate the student¿s knowledge of their subject, provide an opportunity to define their scholarly process and offer peer and professional project evaluation.


Special information

Prerequisites: Admission into the Master of Science in Advanced Dental Therapy program. Successful completion of MSADT courses DENH 690.
1 Graduate credit

Effective January 2, 2021 to August 18, 2024

Meets graduation requirements for

Learning outcomes


  • Analyze evidence-based research and literature on oral health care.
  • Evaluate various approaches to identify evidence-based solutions to an oral health care problem.
  • Develop a scholarly paper on a topic relevant to the advanced dental therapy profession.
  • Demonstrate critical thinking and compassionate criticism in self and peer evaluation.