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EDU 658 High School ESL Practicum

This practicum is designed to give urban teacher candidates the opportunity to document and reflect upon at least 25 hours practical field experience working with ELL students in an urban high school. Urban ESL teacher candidates will have the opportunity to reflectively apply knowledge, theories and skills in learned in coursework. Successful completion of this practicum is a prerequisite for the ESL license.

Special information

Prerequisites: All ESL Graduate Certificate courses are required, or permission from the course instructor and department chair.
1 Graduate credit

Effective January 9, 2012 to August 17, 2024

Learning outcomes


  • Demonstrate the ability to plan, implement, and assess instruction and learning.
  • Design well-developed lesson plans.
  • Positively affect the learning and achievement of urban high school ELL students.
  • Document at least 25 hours of active involvement with urban high school ELL students.
  • Maintain a reflective journal about all practicum experiences.
  • Develop an electronic portfolio throughout the practicum experience.
  • Demonstrate professional work habits as an ESL teacher.
  • Articulate professional development based on experiences through a final reflection paper.

Spring 2024

Section Title Instructor books eservices
01 High School ESL Practicum Tanghe, Shannon L Books for EDU-658-01 Spring 2024 Course details for EDU-658-01 Spring 2024