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TCID 271 Technical Writing

In this course, students create a variety of documents, including technical memos, manuals, proposals and reports. Emphasis is placed on document design, effective organization and readability. This course especially benefits managers or technical employees who need to communicate technical information to business or general audiences.


Special information

Note: Formerly known as WRIT 271. Students are responsible to both be aware of and abide by prerequisites for TCID courses for which they enroll, and will be administratively dropped from a course if they have not met prerequisites. Contact CWA Advising at 651.999.5965 for information.
3 Undergraduate credits

Effective May 4, 2021 to present

Meets graduation requirements for

Learning outcomes


  • Demonstrate awareness of the demands of rhetorical situations by using appropriate genres and generic conventions, developing effective organizational patterns, persuasive arguments.
  • Demonstrate linguistic and textual competence marked by correct grammar and punctuation, effective sentence structure, and unified, coherent, and complete paragraphs.
  • Develop effective formal presentations with visual aid support.
  • Select sufficient and fitting content for documents, including effective graphics.
  • Work confidently and effectively in an online environment to accomplish a major team writing project using established communication tools. Employ collaboration skills, such as listening, providing feedback, and receiving feedback.
  • Write appropriate responses to situational and audience constraints.

Minnesota Transfer Curriculum

Goal 1: Communication

  • Understand/demonstrate the writing and speaking processes through invention, organization, drafting, revision, editing and presentation.
  • Participate effectively in groups with emphasis on listening, critical and reflective thinking, and responding.
  • Locate, evaluate, and synthesize in a responsible manner material from diverse sources and points of view.
  • Select appropriate communication choices for specific audiences.
  • Construct logical and coherent arguments.
  • Use authority, point-of-view, and individual voice and style in their writing and speaking.
  • Employ syntax and usage appropriate to academic disciplines and the professional world.

Spring 2024

Section Title Instructor books eservices
50 Technical Writing Xiong, Cindy Books for TCID-271-50 Spring 2024 Course details for TCID-271-50 Spring 2024

Summer 2024

Section Title Instructor books eservices
50 Technical Writing Menagarishvili, Olga Books for TCID-271-50 Summer 2024 Course details for TCID-271-50 Summer 2024

Fall 2024

Section Title Instructor books eservices
50 Technical Writing Staff, Staff Books for TCID-271-50 Fall 2024 Course details for TCID-271-50 Fall 2024