Engage alumni as advocates and ambassadors for the university through learning, civic engagement, and storytelling
Promote university priorities at the grassroots level
Collaborate with university staff to prepare an annual advocacy plan and roadmap
Plan and execute events to engage alumni as advocates for the university in the spirit of lifelong learning
Create communications promoting alumni advocacy
Engagement Committee
Promote alumni board engagement to foster life-long relationships between the alumni and the university
Engage alumni through communication, events, and volunteer activities
Create opportunities for all board members to engage with alumni and each other
Encourage the promotion of alumni content on social media
Contribute content for board member communications
Fundraising committee
Support the university’s financial stability by engaging alumni in annual giving and promoting the impact of philanthropy in the lives of students and alumni
Encourage 100% participation by the Alumni Board in annual giving
Participate in meetings with individual donors as requested by Advancement staff
Support annual giving campaigns and recruit other alumni to participate
Review Alumni Associations’ scholarship applications and select recipient(s)
Attend donor stewardship events as requested by Advancement staff
Provide committee updates at all board meetings
Membership Committee
Ensure a well-staffed and representative board and committees and establishes pathways for alumni to maintain a lifelong relationship with Metro State through volunteer service
Recruit and solicit new board members to ensure a slate of candidates is ready for each year’s July meeting
Participate in new board member orientation, training, and mentoring
Continuously recruit new committee members.
Identify and recruit alumni for additional volunteer opportunities
Provide committee updates at all board meetings
Liaise with committee chairs to monitor engagement and recruitment needs