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Duncan McCampbell

  • Associate Professor


  • Juris Doctorate, Law
    Hamline University School Of Law

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Summer 2024

Fall 2024


Prof. Duncan J. McCampbell is an American lawyer, department chair, and associate professor at Metropolitan State University in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Prof. McCampbell is a graduate of Arizona State University (BA English Literature) and Hamline University School of Law (Juris Doctor). While in law school he published The Triumph of Substance Over Waste Under CERCLA, 13 Hamline.L.Rev. 407 (1990).

In 1991 he graduated from law school, was admitted to the Minnesota Bar, and began private law practice with the Minneapolis firm of Lind, Jensen, Sullivan, and Peterson, specializing in appeals and environmental law.

Leaving law practice for legal publishing in 1995, he joined West Publishing Company (now Thomson Reuters Legal), the world’s largest legal publisher, in its Strategic Marketing organization. His work involved managing and marketing the company’s international product line.

He was subsequently posted overseas to perform company acquisitions and to design, build, and launch new online legal information businesses in the UK, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Canada, Hong Kong, and Australia.

In his last overseas assignment with Thomson Reuters, he was posted to Beijing in 2007–2008 to run the Westlaw China start-up project. He made an anchoring Chinese acquisition, built key relationships with the Chinese government, recruited a local team, and launched Westlaw China.

He has held visiting scholar appointments in China at:

-University of International Business and Economics in Beijing

-South China University of Technology in Guangzhou

-Huaihua University in Huaihua, Hunan Province, and

-Hunan Institute of Science and Technology in Yueyang.

Prof. McCampbell is a frequent speaker and lecturer on China. He is in his sixth year as a discussion leader in the Foreign Policy Association’s Great Decisions Program, specializing on China. He is immediate past co-chair of the Minnesota/China Business Council.

Before coming to Metro State, Prof. McCampbell was associate professor and MBA program director at Bethel University in Saint Paul, and adjunct professor at Saint Paul College, Hamline University School of Law, and the University of St. Thomas School of Law in Minneapolis.

Prof. McCampbell writes and researches on foreign legal and ethical compliance, corruption prevention and international relations. The self-published textbook he authored, The Four Dimensions of Global Business, is a staple in Metro State’s international business curriculum. Prof. McCampbell is currently publishing a book on China and its relationship with the world, entitled Sunset Over China.