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Internship roles and responsibilities

Who is involved in an internship?

Metro State student

Internship work is negotiated between the student and their site supervisor at the beginning of the internship and should be clearly stated on the Academic Internship Agreement form.  

Additional student responsibilities include:

  • attending an internship information session (optional)
  • finding and securing an internship position
  • reviewing and incorporating the appropriate College and Department Internship Guidelines
  • completing and submitting an Academic Internship Agreement form to to finalize registration ahead of or within the semester it is approved
  • being aware of any financial aid, graduation, registration, or other deadlines
  • attending any required college/department Internship Group Meetings
  • submitting any deliverables required by the college/department
  • notifying the Internship and Apprenticeship Coordinator (651-793-1413 or if there are any problems or concerns with the internship and/or site
  • reporting any concerns that may violate affirmative action/equal opportunity or sexual harassment laws to the on-site supervisor and Internship and Apprenticeship Coordinator (651-793-1413 or

Internship site supervisor

The site supervisor is the primary person responsible for training, directing, and monitoring the student’s work at their internship site.  Additional responsibilities include:

  • developing an internship job description with clear deliverables and timeline
  • providing on-going supervision and guidance
  • integrating the student into the site by including them in appropriate meetings and providing information, resources, and opportunities for professional development
  • providing professional guidance and mentoring to the student
  • notifying the Internship and Apprenticeship Coordinator (651-793-1413 or immediately if there is a problem or concern with the student intern and/or internship

Faculty evaluator

The faculty evaluator is a Metro State faculty member responsible for evaluating and assessing learning from the internship experience.  The faculty evaluator completes the learning evaluation for the student's internship based on college/department guidelines and assigns a grade. The faculty evaluator can serve as liaison between Metro State and the internship site to ensure a sound learning environment with high academic standards and mutually beneficial arrangements. The faculty evaluator oftentimes also serves as the department’s faculty liaison.

The faculty liaison is a Metro State faculty member, assigned by the department, to serve as a department coordinator for the academic internship process. They are responsible for reviewing the Academic Internship agreement form by assisting students in developing the competency statement and learning objectives.