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Whether developing events, materials, curriculum or web-based information, CAR has resources to enhance your planning process, and staff who consult individually and present to staffs or groups.


Staff are available to consult on events, materials, courses or information/technology.  We can meet individually, or create an educational workshop or training to present to a class, staff meeting, or larger group.


Kristin Jorenby -MPP, DPSC, BHS-DS Director



Julie Bauch | Lead Interpreter



Ezra Kesler | Sign Language Interpreter/Assistive Technology and Alternative Media Specialist


Reframing access

Shift your focus:  Consider that it is the environment or design of a program that presents barriers to participation and use.  If we locate the “problem” in the environment, rather than within the individual, we can more effectively create a campus culture that values access.  Just as what we say and how we say it impacts how we are perceived; design also makes a statement about who and what we value. Inclusive design demonstrates our commitment to welcoming and valuing all individuals.

As you design curriculum, events and policy, consider our diverse audience and strive to eliminate the need to treat some people differently, through individual accommodations or other separate systems.  Design has the power to include or exclude, to make us feel welcomed or marginalized.  As the designers of University environments, we are the ones who create those experiences.  How would it feel to be excluded by design?

Many event planners, instructors and policy makers get stuck in a narrow focus on ADA compliance.  This pressure can inhibit good design.  If we expand our concept of access beyond reasonable accommodation and strive to develop classes and programming that are usable by the greatest number of consumers, we will truly achieve inclusive environments.

Inclusive, accessible design benefits everyone.

Initiatives and collaboration

CAR staff routinely work with a variety of campus units including:

  • Veterans and Military Student Services
  • TRIO Student Support Services
  • Tutoring and Testing Services
  • Counseling Services
  • Career Services
  • Student Life and Leadership Development
  • Faculty Development

CAR staff are also members of many councils and committees on and off campus:

  • Equity and Inclusion Council
  • Accessibility Advisory Team
  • Dean of Students Leadership Team
  • ASL Club
  • NAMI on Campus